Foundational Wisdoms for Body and Birth

Hi, Paeonia here,

I care for women, children and families on behalf of all life. I believe that a vibrant and healthy human culture begins with mamas and babies and contributes to thriving life for every community of organisms on the earth.

I came to this work by way of a vision inviting me to “pursue the path of midwifery.” More than ten years later, I am still uncovering layer after layer of depth on this journey. One thing I know is that this calling came to me from the Earth and my alliance is with Her. Her living waters, forests and deserts are my friends and teachers. I believe Humans can do better for the earth, and that it starts with birth.

Having attended scores of births in the past three years as a student of midwifery and accompanying even more women in the past 8 years through their pregnancies and postpartum time as a body worker and postpartum care provider, I am more assured of this now than ever before.

I believe in the simple medicines. I weave the medicine of good food and water, herbal remedies, therapeutic touch, conscious connected breathing, nourishing movement and community connection into all that I do.

Birth of a Family, Childbirth Education with Soul

Begins May 15th

  • Breathwave

    1:1 ceremonial breath work facilitation. Integrate, restore and prepare for birth in a powerfully gentle way.

  • Birth & Postpartum

    Home birth support, postpartum care, birth doula services and community education with soul.

  • Birth Circle

    Monthly gathering for mothers in all stages. Nurturing sisterhood and self connection in a sacred space.

“My experience getting prenatal bodywork with Paeonia was absolutely everything I needed. She is the most intuitive, grounded, and gifted healer I have ever had the pleasure of working with. She helped my body break through a fear center that I have been working on for years…in just one session. She is a gift to this world and I wish I could tell every mama to be about her. Every once in a while you meet that magical human who is doing exactly what they are meant to be doing on this planet and you become aware that they are changing the world. That’s what she does, one mama at a time. Thank you Paeonia!”

-Katie H

In Gratitude,

I extend my heart in gratitude to the many teachers and mentors who have contributed to the woman I am today and the service I am able to offer. Doug Simons, for initiating me into prayer, herbalism and communion with nature spirits. Ashi Ana, for the Reiki attunements and soul mentorship. Rachelle Garcia-Seliga for the teachings of INNATE Postpartum Care and Self-Authority. Hilary Lewin and Heidi Jost-Nicoll for skillfully sharing with me the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy. Lindsay McCoy and the Body Ready Method® team for “game changing” teachings on the pregnant and birthing body! Whapio Bartlet for intitating me into Quantum Birthwork. Aixa Amankay for sharing your deep and wise womb work ways and ritual with me. Muse Lokajickova for nurturing my truth and evoking my authentic medicine. Carey Glenn for mentoring me on my path of midwifery, exemplifying devotion, service and autonomy for the women you serve. And to the unseen, whose facets are numberless and whose support is primary.